Postcard Collections


I have been collecting postcards for more than 25 years.   We had been living (and working!) in Tenerife during the 1970's and decided it was time to settle back in England again.   Our children were grown up and so we thought we would have more time for our hobbies.   We started going to stamp auctions to improve our joint stamp collection and it was here that I became aware of postcards as a collecting hobby.

At first I was interested in the postcards that the Post Office were producing at that time - most regions brought them out at irregular intervals and also there were the PHQ cards.   Then came the early postcards of the Golden Age.   I liked everything I saw!   But gradually I decided what I wanted to collect.   I found the Subject cards more interesting than the Topographical, the Earlies rather than the Moderns, but that didn't mean to the exclusion of either Topo or Modern.

I have often been asked what I collect, so I hope you will enjoy looking at some of my cards as much as I have enjoyed collecting them.   So far I have prepared six collections and Sevilla Postcards which was my trading name until 2003 when we retired.   There will be more to come - Artists, Stamp Montages, Bahamas, etc.   Please click on the thumbnails below.



HMS Black Prince


Sevilla Postcards

Postcard painting by Edward O.Cole
This page shows some lovely postcards
hand-painted by a young man for his family
while he was in hospital.

Ethel and Kate Tucker of Bermuda
These pages show
some lovely postcards of Bermuda
and tell the lives of the two artists.

My teddy-bear, Bruno, collects postcards too!  You can see some of his collection.
November 2006
Bruno's Family Tree
February 2009

Postcards of The Cat and Fiddle Inn
in The New Forest.
January 2007

Distinctive signature of C.T.Howard
on his postcards.
Here you can see plenty of his work.
January 2007

If you would like to know more about the hobby of postcard collecting
please click on the Postcard Traders Association logo.

If you would like to write to me please click on the envelope.

Updated July 2009