Jean's Website of the Month              Valid HTML 4.01!
Published Regularly in Picture Postcard Monthly

The idea of recommending a website showing postcards was started in October 1999.   Since then there has been a new one most months.   Unfortunately, some have since disappeared - sometimes we know the reason, sometimes we don't - so this is an updating at 31st August, 2008.

This page lists Subjects, Topographical Areas and Foreign Countries with the web addresses.   Just click on a thumbnail and you will connect to the website.

Below these three sections is a further one which has websites that have had a mention in PPM or any that I think you will find of interest.

Please let me know if there are any problems getting to any of the sites.   I look forward to hearing from you too if you have any suggestions for Website of the Month.

views.jpg A-Z of Subjects advent.jpg Advent Calendar hymn.jpg Publisher - Bamforth shand.jpg Artist - C.E. Shand
louiswain.jpg Artist - Louis Wain wimbush.jpg Artist - Henry Wimbush july4.jpg July 4th cards bonzo.jpg Bonzo & George Studdy
boules.jpg Boules cats.jpg Cats, fairies, etc. bonzo.jpg Bonzo xmas.jpg Christmas cards
xmas.rev.jpg Christmas cards (Russian) and Revolution coalmining.jpgCoal Mining corkscrew.jpgCorkscrews disney.jpg Disney
easterup.jpgEaster Uprising ftree.jpg Family Tree frogs.jpg Frogs maps.jpg Maps
kodak.jpg Kodak llamas.jpg Llamas easter.jpg Easter cards beethoven.jpg Music - Beethoven
naval.jpg Naval Shipping nyfair.jpg New York World's Fair panto.jpg Pantomime harebell.jpgFairies
pubavm.jpg Publisher - A. Vivian Mansell aviation.jpg Aviation rusroy.jpg Russian Royalty santa.jpg Santa Claus
scouts.jpgScouts silks.jpg Silks theatre.jpgTheatre Buildings ww1prop.jpg WWI Propaganda
stpat.jpgSt.Patrick's Day cards valentine.jpg Valentine cards, Easter, Xmas, etc. mainzer.jpg Artist - Eugen Hurtung (Mainzer)
gateshead.jpg Gateshead guernsey.jpg Guernsey ireland.jpg Ireland iom.jpg Isle of Man
iowa.jpg Isle of Wight barnet.jpg Barnet, Herts scotland.jpg Scotland iofman.jpg Isle of Man Horse Tramway
newbrighton.jpg New Brighton c.isles.jpg Channel Islands cornwall.jpg Cornwall rottingdean.jpg Rottingdean
yorkshire.jpgYorkshire stokenew.jpg N.Londion & Photographer E.G. Smith
belgium.jpg Belgium brittany.jpg Brittany and Normandy canada.jpg Canada - Indigenous Peoples fiji.jpg Fiji
luxembourg.jpg Luxembourg perpignan.jpg Cartes Postales du Roussillon neworleans.jpg New Orleans ukraine.jpgUkraine
st.helena.jpg St. Helena chateau.jpg Thomery & Rosa Bonheur toronto.jpgToronto Postcard Club riodejan.jpgBrazil
corse.jpg Corsica
And More!
rugby.jpg Rugby teich.jpg Curt Teich salmon.jpg J.Salmon Collection pta.jpgPostcard Traders Assn.
ppm.jpgPicture Postcard Monthly

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